Christian organizations that seek to help Christians practice their religion without government interference like Liberty Council are labeled as Hate Groups right along side the Imperial Klans Of America (KKK) by organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center. Fundamentalist and Evangelical Christians are often portrayed as profiteering fakes, villains or even wannabee criminals by news organizations as well as fiction and documentary film makers. And now the National Geographic Channel brings you “Explorer: The Cult Of Mary.” This special National Geographic Explorer episode is set to air on Thursday, December 17, 2015 (just in time for Christmas).
The National Geographic Channel web site describes the content of “The Cult Of Mary” in this way: “For more than 2,000 years she's been revered as the Blessed Virgin and the Mother of God. National Geographic explores the conflict between mystical experience and organized religion, the dangers of believing in false prophets,and the primal human need to connect with a divine mother figure.” In other words, they believe that the people who accept Mary as the Mother of Jesus and a divine figure as believing in a false prophet to fulfill some psychological need “to connect with a divine figure.” They follow that up by adding that belief in “Mary can be taken to extremes...”
Despite the recent terrorist linked murders in California we are not about to see any broadcast TV special or cable TV documentary about what Muslims in America or elsewhere really believe. Instead, the vast majority of news commentators and politicians (like George W. Bush and Barack Obama) claim that a few bad apples and extremists have “hijacked” a “peaceful” religion of moderate believers who pose no threat to anyone. Sadly, that is not the truth and a recent meeting of Western Muslim Leaders or so-called Muslim Moderates held in Washington, D.C. to “voice reforms in the House of Islam” reveals the true nature and agenda of the alleged Religion of Peace.
A press release from this group of Muslim Leaders states: “There's a root cause. We're going to put out a declaration today, hand it to everybody, and say this is the litmus test. If Muslims can say they're against all violent Jihads, against the Islamic State concept, against the caliphate, for equality in men and women, for peace for secular governance -- these are things that either can modernize or moderate Muslims," he continued. "If they don't agree with them, they become radicalized and are part of the problem. I think it's time for Muslims and Americans to see that we're part of the solution - and that will do just unbelievable benefit to melt away some of the bigotry that exists towards Muslims to realize we're part of the solution.”
While that statement sounds nice, is it sincere? The same group of Western Muslim Leaders who have issued that statement refuse to contradict this one from Hussam Ayloush of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Los Angeles Chapter, stated to reporters shortly after the California terror attacks: “Let's not forget that some of our own foreign policy, as Americans, as the West, have fueled that extremism.” Once again we are blamed for the attacks. CAIR even marched the father of one of the attackers before the press just a few hours after the attack that murdered fourteen people and injured seventeen more.
At that presser CAIR, which is NOT labeled as a Hate Organization by the Southern Poverty Law Center, used a grief stricken man to say that his son was a good guy, not a killer, and that the public and press should not immediately label the attack as a terrorist event. CAIR seemed to feel that the killings should be considered workplace violence brought on by religious intolerance until proved otherwise. Ibrahim Hooper, a CAIR spokesperson, followed up the press conference with this statement explaining that the presser was held to “get ahead of the curve on this story” so that Americans would not think there was a “false linkage between Islam and these acts of violence.” Yet they also claim that this most recent blood bath was the fault of American Foreign Policy. Do we not have a right to defend ourselves? Muslims believe and teach in most mosques that ISIS is a creation of Western Nations and their intolerance for Muslims and Sheria Law.
Before I go further let me say that I do not believe in hating anyone or violence against any group for any reason. I do not believe that all Muslims are radicalized. But I do believe that all Islam teaches an intolerance for other religions and instructs true believers to kill infidels that are beyond conversion. Since we here in America do things like allow women to drive cars, show off their bodies, attend school and have rights and responsibilities equal to men I guess we are the devil’s own and need to die. That is not a statement of hate; it is a statement of truth. Christians and others are condemned as Apostates. Even those who practice Homeopathic Medicine, conduct Medical Research and teach Yoga have been described as “witches” by so-called moderate Mosques in the USA.
In many ways a number of alleged Christian religions and other non-Muslim groups that belief in whatever they believe in have nothing to brag about when it comes to a lack of extremism or evil deeds. All religions have had their share of extremists like Jim Jones of the People’s Temple. That group always accepted Jones’ words over Biblical teachings allowing him to order his followers to commit suicide and murder their own children. David Koresh headed up a separated sect of the Seventh Day Adventists. He loaded up the sect’s Texas compound with weapons causing the eventual death of the sect members and dozens of children he fathered with sect members at the hands of government authorities trying to arrest him. Then there are all those pedophile priests and pastors from both Catholic and Protestant churches.
The difference in all this is that we do not tolerate or permit any religion, group or individual involved with them that espouses or practices murder and other illegal activities with the exception of Islam. We not only allow them to teach any number of things that can easily be labeled as illegal, discriminatory, hateful or a call to Jihad or terrorism, we encourage people to be “tolerant” of their beliefs and condemn those who speak out against the Muslim way of life. According to a recent U.S. Government report eighty percent of American Mosques either espouse radicalization from their pulpits or speak out against it while still making available literature that encourages jihad.
I think it is time for National Geographic and other producers of content for broadcast and cable television to tell the truth about what Islam is doing to its followers and those who refuse to accept it. Christians, Jews and others are murdered, tortured and enslaved in areas where ISIS rules. Even before ISIS came along Islam sought to eliminate or isolate non-Muslims and would have succeeded except for middle eastern governments that kept it in check for fear of the creation of an Islamic State such as the one that exists in Iran. Islam is certainly not the only bad influence in the world of belief systems, but it is one that we can no longer afford to ignore or allow to preach hate. By comparison, I think that most of the members of “The Cult Of Mary” are less about Jihad and more about religious devotion.