How To Create A Unique Band Logo The story of band logos can be traced back to the early part of the twentieth century when some unknown drummer scrawled the name of his band on the front face of his bass drum. He may have seen something similar carefully painted on the bass drum of a military or school marching band, or got the idea from the fact that drummers used to print their own names on the bass drum of their kits to keep them from being stolen. Either way, bands have always faced a recognition problem and having a name or logo on the bass drum of a set helped. That idea also once helped to clarify a famous case of odd spelling. When The Beatles began to achieve fame in North America more than a few radio personalities made fun of their name and fans wondered why any band would name themselves after a bunch of bugs? That matter was put to rest the first time that the boys from Liverpool appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show in America and played to a TV audience of millions with the correct spelling of the band’s name prominently featured on the bass drum of Ringo Starr’s kit. Since those days band logos have become an important part of their identity and marketing strategy. Famous logos created for the Rolling Stones, KISS, AC/DC and The Grateful Dead have helped those bands establish a unique identity and market themselves and their merch throughout the world. But everyone had to start somewhere and the best way to begin is by creating a unique logo design that stands out in any band’s musical genre. Cost is a huge factor in creating any band logo. Using a professional designer is a good idea, but it may also be an expensive one. Unless you are able to find an extremely talented graphic designer school student who happens to be willing to create your logo for a class assignment or absolutely worships your band (and good luck with that), expect to spend anywhere from three thousand to over ten thousand dollars for a unique logo which can be trade marked. Trade marking a band logo and name is essential if you plan on sticking together, making a big dent in the music world and selling merch online and at concerts. Fees for trade marking start at around $150 and go up from there. A reasonable cost to protect your name and logo. Deciding on a trade mark is no easy thing. As someone who has been a part of a small band, written for famous bands and is married to a photographer who occasionally photographs big name band and solo music acts, I have seen my share of band squabbles over anything and everything. Whenever a problem erupts, band members are likely to play the blame game with each other. That’s why you need to be sure that designing or choosing a logo is very much of a group effort that involves everyone in the band whether they want to be a part of that process or not. If you need some ideas or professional help creating your band logo, begin by considering an alternative to hiring a professional graphic designer through some agency or the usual channels. Odesk.com offers professionals who work as independent contractors in a variety of fields including graphic design and branding. Unlike most of the traditional avenues many companies or bands might use to have a logo created and branded for them, Odesk.com provides the very same quality and an even larger assortment of professional designers for a substantially reduced cost. All you need to do to use a professional logo designer at odesk.com is to visit their web site, type in logo (for example) and see who comes up offering that kind of service. You will get any number of choices and although most of them work at an hourly fee, it will still be substantially less expensive to have a unique band logo created for you by someone at odesk.com than by using most graphic design companies. That is because you are dealing directly with the artist or designer, not some corporate entity tacking their own fees on to the actual cost of creating the band logo. Because odesk.com allows designers from all over the world to offer their services as independent contractors, you will have a much better choice and wider variety of design specialists to choose from as compared to just dealing with a local company with limited personnel and prospects. You can also view how each designer is rated by their clients and find out if their services are a good match for your job. The most important thing to remember when creating a band logo is that you are also creating an instant identity for your group which people will see every time you perform. Whether you slap the logo on your drummer’s kit, have it up in lights as a banner or wear tee shirts with the logo on it (please don’t be that guy or girl), people will come to know you by that band logo and buy your merch with your logo on it.