Technology: Three Ways For Cash Strapped People To Turn Their Computer Into A Money Machine If you are like millions of other Americans who cannot find a job or have just stopped looking, there may be hope. If you have access to a computer and the Internet, you can easily earn some money; maybe enough to help you get by. Most people who are financially desperate make bad decisions at the last minute instead of making good decisions before it is too late which can help them keep the wolf away from their door. Being broke is the worst time to panic, so read on and take heed. The first way to make an Internet connected computer pay out cash for you is by tapping into what has become the number one closet industry in the USA: second hand products. You can list things you do not use or need right now on Ebay, Amazon Marketplace or even the new Barnes and Noble Marketplace. All you need is a product with a bar code number and you’re in business. Books, CDs, DVDs, electronics and household products sell best and fastest. Those selling venues allow you to use the bar code numbers to identify used products you have for sale and list them, in some cases right next to the exact same new ones giving you a huge advantage if you price is the lowest. Most of these venues will charge you just a per item fee based on your price for selling it on their web site and you do not have to pay it up front unless you want to become a professional seller with a unique line of products. The bad news is that you might have to wait a bit for the money if you are a new seller, but usually no more than ten to fourteen days. If you have larger, unique, homemade or other items like used furniture, clothes, toys, big electronic items or most anything that cannot easily be listed on the selling venues I previously mentioned, try listing them online through Craig’s List. If you have a lot of second hand or unique stuff to sell, think about creating a PayPal account, getting verified with that service and creating a web page for free with a host like Tripod. You can list your stuff on online, then refer your potential customers to your web site where they can view all the things you have for sale and pay using Paypal. If you plan on selling anything on Ebay, it is a good idea to have a Paypal account anyway since that is how most people who buy end up paying on there. Another way to make money using your Internet connected computer is by selling yourself cheap; No, it is not that! Thanks to a company called Fiverr, you can offer a product or service for $5 and place an add on their web site for it. Some people create funny videos, others draw, some write or sing birthday, anniversary or congratulatory songs, while some others offer to ship physical products like home made crafts or HOW TO books and booklets for $5. Fiverr makes it easy to list, but like most money making ventures on the Internet there are some drawbacks. You will have to wait about 10-12 days for Fiverr to give you the money your earn from each completed gig from the time you actually complete it. When you do get your money, they will take $1 out of your $5 for using their market and charge a few more cents to pay you. The good news is that you can your cash when it is ready through an instant Paypal payment, or have it put on a Fiverr debit card you can easily get from that company. Beware of the Fiverr card fees which are steep in my opinion. If you have a talent that got you a job in the first place, try becoming an independent contractor and listing your service on Craig’s List or other online listing services for self-employed people. For example, I know a retired IRS guy who makes a small fortune each year during tax season doing other people’s taxes for a few bucks less than the big tax preparation companies charge. He gets a lot of business because he is fast, honest and very knowledgeable. Unless you have a specialized talent like he does and can get close to what your skill is actually worth, you may have to work at a substantial discount. Even if you do, some money is better than none and just the fact that you are working and bringing in some cash makes life as an unemployed person more tolerable.